Сотрудников AT&T оставят без отпуска

Из-за выхода iPhone головной офис AT&T разослал внутрикорпоративное письмо, в котором компания просит своих сотрудников воздержаться от отпусков в период с 15 июня по 15 июля, чтобы торговые точки справились с наплывом покупателей:

To: All Company Owned Retail Employees

From: [Name removed]

Subject: iPhone Launch Period

Date: May 4, 2007

As previously announced, Apple and AT&T will soon debut the iPhone, which combines a mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and breakthrough internet communications into one small and lightweight handheld device. The new AT&T has a multiyear, exclusive agreement to provide U. S. service for the iPhone.

To ensure proper staffing during the product launch period, Sales personnel planning to take approved time off are encouraged to schedule their vacations before June 15 or after July 15 to participate in the iPhone launch.

Previously approved vacation will be allowed where voluntary rescheduling is not feasible

No additional vacation requests will be approved during the launch period (6/15 — 7/15).

I want to thank you in advance for your understanding as this is likely to be the biggest selling period we have seen in a few years.

Happy Selling,

[Name removed]

Источник: iphones.ru

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